
"The success of a civilization is measured not just in its aesthetic achievements but also, and surely more importantly, in the duration and quality of life of its citizens."
– Dr. Niall Ferguson
"Hudson River Waterfront, N.Y.C.", oil on canvas by Colin Campbell Cooper. Included in the view are the Woolworth and Singer buildings, then the first and second tallest buildings in the world.

These ideas change
lives everywhere.

Why Does Prosperity Matter?

Prosperity is the result of a system in which each individual is able to enjoy the fruits of his or her own labor. Securing an even brighter future through innovation, voluntary exchange, and market competition will require a renewed commitment to economic understanding, education, and the protection of private property. It is vital to understand the virtues and moral foundations that make market mechanisms, such as voluntary contracts, possible. This same system enables individuals to better their lives by providing for the needs of others.

Common Sense Society works to champion future entrepreneurs and policy makers who foster freedom and opportunity in their communities. CSS also celebrates the successes of ordinary men and women whose ingenuity, sacrifice, and diligence have contributed to the prosperity we now enjoy. They should be a source of inspiration, not objects of vilification.

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