Aaron Rhodes, Ph.D.
Dr. Aaron Rhodes is president of the Forum for Religious Freedom-Europe. He was executive director of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights from 1993-2007. He is a writer, human rights activist, and advocate for the reform of international human rights law and institutions. He is a co-founder of the Freedom Rights Project, a human rights research initiative and think-tank. In 2008, he established the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran along with colleagues, and became policy advisor for the organization. He has been involved in multiple human rights campaigns in the Human Dimension of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Council of Europe, and the United Nations, and has undertaken field investigations in many post-Soviet societies, Asia, the Middle East, and Cuba. Dr. Rhodes was named an honorary citizen of the Republic of Austria for his human rights work. He received a B.A. from Reed College and a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in the Committee on Social Thought. His articles have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, National Review, and elsewhere. He is the author of The Debasement of Human Rights, published in 2018 by Encounter Books.